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Tuesday, October 13, 2009

the knife edge

Today I think I finished the script. That is, I listened to the director's comments this morning on the phone and immediately made the suggested changes. I always do this - probably because I like to react to comments by changing the script before I forget my thoughts! Producer is upset because director has lagged behind with assessment and comment on the script. Fair enough. He's a busy bloke. I still regard this project as being on a knife edge, and I feel pretty awful for my faithful sponsors (shareholders!) because they've been waiting three years or more to see this thing done. If it's not done by end of 2009 I'm going to give the money back. I'm sick of being let down.

I've redone the headgear - doesn't actually look that different but it's a lot cooler to wear and fits more tightly. We are going to computer graphic (CG) in some eyes and maybe some other stuff to make the Yowie look better. I've finalised the Tshirt and the coffee cup designs: lots of work for me but every dollar saved means better production value on the digital stock itself. So I'm making a lot of the props myself. Now I have to make a convincing looking crossbow! We're ramping up every element; bad guys more badder; monkey more monkier; funky more funkier.

The author of the definitive book on Yowies, Tony Healy, is coming round tomorrow to check out the costume. Hope he's pleased. We have had to come clean on youtube and admit that our little video's are faked. There are heaps of fake Bigfoot, Yeti and Yowie vids on Youtube - some of them pretty convincing and others just plain laughable.

Meanwhile, as usual, I'm advancing on all fronts slowly. My third kids' book is in press and I'm thinking of pitching them as an animation series to producers.

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