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Friday, October 8, 2010

Halfway along life's path I found myself in a dark wood

The Yowie seems to have moved into a new phase. As soon as she poked her hairy nose from behind the curtain the public and others have responded. A UK short film TV channel has picked up Yowie and wants to run it for up to seven years in all sorts of countries. Excellent. We took no money for this, but ask for donations to breast cancer research both explicitly and in the run-off credits of the movie. The dilemma is whether to put it on the social networking internet: Youtube, Vimeo, Twitter, and so on. I have heard amazing stories of people putting stuff on Youtube and getting offers from Hollywood. Maybe they're just stories. Still, there are some fantastic short films on Youtube: check out Butterfly Circus if haven't already.
Last week we went to scope out Bungendore railway station: about 1850, stuck forlornly on a plain. Getting closer i could see it was pretty dilapidated: great holes in the platform and piles of pigeon poo everywhere. Still, it may do well as our 1914 location for the next film, to be shot on a Canon 5-D. While we were there a 1903 steam engine turned up with two carriages! Fantastic! They said they'd love to be in the film. Definitely a sign. Snake-handling follows. I feel like Dante being chased by a leopard up a falling scree.