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Friday, September 18, 2009

yowie rising

I am cautiously optimistic - like a duck on the last day of the hunting season. I added two (natch) large breasts to the Yowie costume a few days ago. Splendid they look, if a little yellow. Nipples are of liquorice. Moreover, I found some wonderful furry foxtails in a leather shop in Bungendore and had to have one for the yowie costume. Mounted low down it gives the illusion of really short legs and a long back in true anthropoid fashion. Not happy with the head though. It still looks essentially like Chewbacca in overall shape and the flowing mullet hairdo (though the face is now truly terrifying). I might just ditch the hair and make a sort of gorilla crewcut instead in salty grey. This would look really authentic and unique. I am enjoying working with fur (Hmm, does that say something about me?). I am inspired to make other costumes and am getting the inklings of some interesting designs. I really was not looking forward to being the Yowie in the heat of December - but my wife suggested we get instead a young friend of ours (same height as me but about 30kg lighter!) who wants to break into movies. Ok, so ya' wanna' break into moviesh, eh? Well, put on the monkey suit and let's see whatya got, kid! And so it goes.